Sunday 27 April 2008

Rant to camera

Well, I had a good rant just now to my video camera. I expressed some of my feelings about her, my father and mother, and how I felt about the way I'd been treated in the past, and the wounds and emotional scars I feel stuck with now for the rest of my life because of those people who claimed to love me.

I realise that when one's mind is stuck on a problem then it can't be focussed on anything else. That's why I realise it's an abuse when one person makes demands of another: you just get stuck on thinking about them and nothing else. Then you wonder why the rest of your life is going down the drain. Perhaps that's one of the reasons people end up killing others: it's the only way you can be certain that the problem is resolved. When someone's completely out of the picture, their abuse can't continue. Then you can get on with your life. My sister has been a thorn in my side my entire life. I expressed something of that on my "rant to camera" this morning.

It might actually make a good monologue.

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